Hiking the Skye Trail - Day Six

 2/10 the campsite left much to be desired :p

Due to the horrendous night's sleep, we were hiking from 8am, both in sour moods after little sleep due to the midge onslaught and warm, clammy temperature.

The rain thankfully cleared and blue skies appeared behind the receding clouds  to reveal a glorious day. We ascended up into an open hillside recently purchased by the John Muir Trust who had deforested the pines and replaced them with small natives such as hazels and birch trees. We entered through a gate as a fence had been erected to keep the hungry deer out. On a dry plateau we have a late lunch and get chatting a kiwi north-bounder who asks us about recommendations about where to camp to night and if the bothy is good. Downhill through the trees and a lovely forest smelling whole and earthy, the sunlight allowing the tree sap to waft through the air. I can see the Isle of Skye becoming a nature reserve in years to come.

Road walking to Torin, plenty of awesome wild camping spots appear as they do after a grim camp. We follow the tarmac, the roads a mix of tourists and locals driving to and fro. We turn off and arrive at a lovely cafe with stunning, mouth watering cakes. I order a mango and raspberry cake with a pot of tea on the side yay!

Onwards the sun is in full swing at 17 degrees and we appreciate the dappled shade of the trees which pleasantly covers the road. A sharp right turn and we are on a less maintained road, hiking past farms and holiday cottages. It leads us to a glorious beach where Max soaks his feet and I go for dip. Then I sit in the sun to warm up again. A few others come and go, enjoying this secluded paradise.

Up into the green hills, we are nearing the end of our journey as we enter the final leg. Several waterfalls cascade down and we follow the track seeing fresh quad tracks running down it. Hiking for an hour we come to an alcove. It's 5pm and will be our last night on the trail. A slight breeze keeps the midges at bay so we deploy the lavuu. We enjoy our evening meals and sit in the evenings silence, enjoying our remaining time. It will be a few miles hike in the morning where we will find ourselves back in Broadford.

I ask Max about his highs and lows of the trail.

Lows: Today
Highs: Being surrounded by all the vistas

My low point was last night, midges are horrible creatures and my high point involved the diverse scenery that surprised me as Skye is not a large island.

We have a slow evening and morning, enjoying the last few miles of the trail. 

Once in Broadford, we have epic showers at the campsite and enjoy a pizza each at the nearby pizzeria. I'm even brave enough to try the haggis balls.

What a Wonderful Adventure

Thank you for reading ♥

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