I arrived in good time, reaching the mini car parking spot with an hour until sun down. It was a swift hike and I was at the summit within half an hour. The sun was lingering above the horizon and a few people were milling about so I slunk off looking for somewhere to cook my tea. I had a Keitei special lined up - Taco beans in tomato sauce and a home made bread bap with cheese.
I was trying out a new cider - bubblegum flavour...think I'll stick to the standard flavours :p
When the sun finally fell below the hill, I below up my sleeping mat, unfurled my sleeping bag, switched into warmer clothes and slid down inside my sleeping bag.
The moon was out and illuminating everything in it's wake. The last time I was here, I could see nothing, visibility was down to 0. I relaxed and watched the satellites zipping over head. Venus hung low in the sky, out shining any other star on display to night. It wasn't long before I felt the land of nod beckoning and I gradually fell asleep.
I woke about 30 minutes before sun rise. The dawn was already underway with a blue sky and a hazy pinky-orange glow around the edges. I sat up to witness the dawn of the new day as the orange orb slowly emerged.
I had a welcomed cup of tea before packing down and walking back to my car - first wild camp of the year 😀