Hiking the Coast to Coast - Day Seven

 I fall asleep to the sound of rain and it must have continued all through the night. My tent is soaked to the touch and I am not motivated to leave my cosy sleeping bag and pack down...

Alas, the promise of hot food, a steaming bath and my bed lures me out and I am hiking by 6am. I leave the shelter of the dripping trees and return to the trail. Wood pigeons coo in the dawn and only myself and an elderly lady with her pooch share the road. 

I reach Grosmont and begin the 2 mile road walk/climb out the village. From there I turn off and cut over the moor to cross a busy A road. Descending into a valley I reach Falling Foss, a stunning waterfall and woodland walk. I'm glad it's early in the day over wise this section would be busy. I hike on and hear someone behind me. Another thru-hiker, I stare a little confused to see another hiker going all the way having not seen that many of us. We chat and compare notes. I don't remember his name but he doesn't carry a tent and has been staying at BnBs along the way. He goes into great detail about his accommodation last night where he had a full 3 course meal prepared by the owner along with 6 other staying guests. It did sounds amazing and no doubt aiding the spring in his step today as he hiked on ahead of me - his tenth day on the trail.

Following the footpath, I reach the car park and walk up out the valley. Sheep amble freely and I do my best to avoid the boggy parts around the trail. I'm getting close now and only have a few more villages to pass through until I reach my final descent into Robin Hoods Bay. A place I know well.

Rain clouds are gathering on the horizon and I wonder if I'll make it in time...
I don't and have to duck into an alley wall to don my waterproofs for the final time. I wander down the cobbled boat launch and pass the Wainwright Coast to Coast sign, remembering the duplicate one at St Bees. Walking down to the beach, the tide is super high and I stand embracing the wind wiping sea salt into my face. I haven't carried a pebble all the way and I didn't dip my feet in the Irish sea at the start. I am just happy to have finally hiked the Coast to Coast like I said I would.

Thank you for reading :)

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