Up and on the move for 5:45am, I slept quite well. A deer did gallop down the track at some point, sounding like it was going at full speed. It is 5 miles to Richmond. I descend to a little bridge and cross a beck, little metal plagues have been nailed to the wooden crossing and bear the names of previous coast to coasters and the year they made this journey.
The footpath signs now bear the emblems of the North Yorkshire Moors, I'm in my home county now. In and out of woods, passing through quiet villages, green fields and I arrive on the outskirts of Richmond. A pleasant town and one I'd like to return to post trail. I resupply in the co-op taking my time as I meander the aisles very aware of how clean everyone smells and own hiker-trash funk.
Hiking out and four donuts later....I'm waddling back into the countryside. The Swale river is on my left but it soon departs and I'm left to wander lots of country lanes as the trail connects the Dales with the Moors. No hills at all but it tuns out to be a rather dull section. I pass lots of cyclists so this must be a super popular place to practise. Rounding a corner I run into a group of them and the lead bellows "Walker!" and it feels like an episode of the Walking Dead.
Two cyclists slow down to chat to me, asking if I'm from Scandinavia and how I'm finding the trail so far. When I hike through villages, they are all well kept with flowers borders and vegetable gardens carefully plotted. I pass through Danby Wyke and Ingleton, over two busy A roads which are shock to the system after the peaceful lanes.
I do come across more trail magic though :D a fridge which must be hooked up to a car battery as the cans are cold. I opt for a coke and chocolate and happily devour both. Soon I can see the edge of the Moors, I hiked the Cleveland Way a few years back and this crosses paths with the Coast to Coast.
The road goes up and I follow it to arrive in a beautiful pine forest. Collecting water, I off-road and disappear into the trees. Pine needles offer such soft places to bed and I pitch my tent. My feet are tender so I hobble around un-elegantly and I'm relieved to sit down. As I munch my cous-cous and think I must have hiked 30 something miles today.
A dog barks and I see a person and a black Labrador amble along the forest track 20 meters away. Crawling into my tent, I sleep well :)