Hiking 100,000 steps in a Day

Having completed a few hiking trails, I randomly decided to see if I could still hike long distances and settled on aiming for 100,000 steps or roughly 50 miles in a day.

I had left my adventure a little too late in the season but determination was on my side and I set off - mid September. Ideally this should be tempted  in mid summer - closest to the solstice as possible to give you maximum daylight hours. 

I was pre-loaded with snacks and had my lovely small back pack and set off just before 6am. Thankfully the weather was decent and it was just me, the open trail and my camera. I hadn't planned a route, I had just set off, walked a familiar route and then was going to switch to an Ordnance Survey map to lead the way. I also had my phone with google maps and Maps.me downloaded. I had a rough goal of making my way to the Hole of Horcum and then heading back home.

One of the great things about hiking great distances is that you can eat whatever you want :D! I had chocolate, biscuits, cake, dried fruit - I'd packed out some protein bars I'd brought as a whim but they tasted dire...:p

All was going well, I had hit the 60,000 step mark and was feeling ok...my feet were beginning to become a little tender but I was feeling strong all things considered. 
I was understandably tired and looking forward to not physically moving anymore but still on target. I reached Lilla Cross, a landmark in the North Yorkshire Moors and followed large flag stones laid out along the path.

At the 82,000 step mark I was starting to feel it. I was dreaming of a nice hot bath and a deep stretch. I was still enjoying my hike and adore just heading out with a map, a few snacks and a vague plan of my route. 

The finish line was in sight as I marched along. I took a break and laid down in a field in the darkness, still was a mistake as I seized up :p. It was 10pm and my body was beginning to feel it, my feet and knees especially. I had no blisters though and was chanting bath bath bath to myself. Hiking along, 9000 steps left, 7000, 5000, 4000, 3000, 2000, 1000...100 steps

100,000 steps reached :D

My Route

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