PCT Day 33

Day 33
Miles - 20

I’m up early as usual and take it slow as I wander up the last 2 miles to the top. When I finally get there I’m so happy to be at the top! There isn’t much of a view but at least I’m not constantly going up. With everything that goes up, it must come down and down I walk and find myself above a glorious green meadow. No more dried out pale fields, just lush, cool greenery. I walk along happily and slowly descend into the dreamy greeny. I come across a river and chill with Red beard and Zipper. Blue joins us and I eat porridge with sugar and powdered milk.

I walk out and find the next ascent hard. After a mile I take a nap, my body so fatigued. I wander on and find Blue and we proceed to leapfrog each other as we climb up the hill. It’s sunny and hot but I can see a glorious blue sky above the shady trees. I am slow. Slow slow slow. Once at the top I reward myself with chocolate spread and a tortilla wraps and walk on. I’m still slow but content and get to the campsite for 6pm. Blue is already there and set up for the night. I do my evening chores and am happy to be still and relaxed.

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